Weekly Schedule

Retro R&B, French and Italian songs to bring you the energy to start your day.
Various Hosts10:00amMonday
Historian Vaniel Louis connects you with the socio-political and economic history of Haiti.
Avec Maitre Va11:00amMonday
Haimusic will take you back to the old good days of mini-jazz and Compas festivals in Haiti.
Various Hosts12:30pmMonday
Tout le compas d'Haiti et des iles avoisinantes et du Zouk pour vous plaire.
Various Hosts04:00pmMonday
Live chats with musicians, sculptors, poets, writers and political activists.
Various hosts08:00pmMonday
Une analyse de la politique internationale trempee de conneries et de l'humour.
Michelle, Camille et Macceau10:00amMonday
Une causerie spirituelle pour raffermir la foi des croyants et offrir le salut aux perdus.
Avec Pasteur Gedeon Amazan10:30amMonday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amMonday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amTuesday
Retro R&B, French and Italian songs to bring you the energy to start your day.
Various Hosts10:00amTuesday
Historian Vaniel Louis connects you with the socio-political and economic history of Haiti.
Avec Maitre Va11:00amTuesday
Haimusic will take you back to the old good days of mini-jazz and Compas festivals in Haiti.
Various Hosts12:30pmTuesday
Tout le compas d'Haiti et des iles avoisinantes et du Zouk pour vous plaire.
Various Hosts04:00amTuesday
Live chats with musicians, sculptors, poets, writers and political activists.
Various hosts08:00amTuesday
Une analyse de la politique internationale trempee de conneries et de l'humour.
Michelle, Camille et Macceau10:00amTuesday
Une causerie spirituelle pour raffermir la foi des croyants et offrir le salut aux perdus.
Avec Pasteur Gedeon Amazan10:30amTuesday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amTuesday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amWednesday
Retro R&B, French and Italian songs to bring you the energy to start your day.
Various Hosts10:00amWednesday
Historian Vaniel Louis connects you with the socio-political and economic history of Haiti.
Avec Maitre Va11:00amWednesday
Haimusic will take you back to the old good days of mini-jazz and Compas festivals in Haiti.
Various Hosts12:30pmWednesday
Tout le compas d'Haiti et des iles avoisinantes et du Zouk pour vous plaire.
Various Hosts04:00amWednesday
Live chats with musicians, sculptors, poets, writers and political activists.
Various hosts08:00amWednesday
Une analyse de la politique internationale trempee de conneries et de l'humour.
Michelle, Camille et Macceau10:00amWednesday
Une causerie spirituelle pour raffermir la foi des croyants et offrir le salut aux perdus.
Avec Pasteur Gedeon Amazan10:30amWednesday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amWednesday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amThursday
Retro R&B, French and Italian songs to bring you the energy to start your day.
Various Hosts10:00amThursday
Historian Vaniel Louis connects you with the socio-political and economic history of Haiti.
Avec Maitre Va11:00amThursday
Haimusic will take you back to the old good days of mini-jazz and Compas festivals in Haiti.
Various Hosts12:30pmThursday
Tout le compas d'Haiti et des iles avoisinantes et du Zouk pour vous plaire.
Various Hosts04:00amThursday
Live chats with musicians, sculptors, poets, writers and political activists.
Various hosts08:00amThursday
Une analyse de la politique internationale trempee de conneries et de l'humour.
Michelle, Camille et Macceau10:00amThursday
Une causerie spirituelle pour raffermir la foi des croyants et offrir le salut aux perdus.
Avec Pasteur Gedeon Amazan10:30amThursday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amThursday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amFriday
Retro R&B, French and Italian songs to bring you the energy to start your day.
Various Hosts10:00amFriday
Historian Vaniel Louis connects you with the socio-political and economic history of Haiti.
Avec Maitre Va11:00amFriday
Haimusic will take you back to the old good days of mini-jazz and Compas festivals in Haiti.
Various Hosts12:30pmFriday
Tout le compas d'Haiti et des iles avoisinantes et du Zouk pour vous plaire.
Various Hosts04:00amFriday
Live chats with musicians, sculptors, poets, writers and political activists.
Various hosts08:00pmFriday
Etudes bibliques pour enseigner comment pratiquer la parole de Dieu.
Avec: Fally Douyon09:00pmFriday
Nous meditons sur la parole de Dieu pour apprendre a connaitre et faire sa volonte
Avec Dr. Macceau Medozile10:30amFriday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amFriday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amSaturday
Le bon vieux temps de Paris et les voix inoubliables des superstars des annees 80.
Various Hosts10:00amSaturday
Le bon vieux temps de Paris et les voix inoubliables des superstars des annees 80.
Animateurs divers11:00amSaturday
Recommande ton sort a l'eternel, mets en lui ta confiance, et il agira.
Various Hosts12:30pmSaturday
Recommande ton sort a l'eternel, mets en lui ta confiance, et il agira.
Various Hosts04:00amSaturday
Un coup-d'oeil retrospectif sur la musique evangelique d'Haiti
Avec: Rommel Desriviere08:00amSaturday
Apprenons la lecon de l'ecole du dimanche et efforcons nous de faire la volonte de Dieu
Avec: Pasteur Jean Claude Pierre (JAKAPI)10:00amSaturday
Une analyse objective des problemes de sante publique a travers le monde.
Avec Dr. Macceau Medozile10:30amSaturday
An objective review of local and international news to keep you informed.
The News Team11:00amSaturday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre06:00amSunday
Le bon vieux temps de Paris et les voix inoubliables des superstars des annees 80.
Various Hosts10:00amSunday
Let's worship the Lord, for his grace and mercy on us are incomparable!
Various Churches11:00amSunday
A bilangual worship service that brings first a secong immigrant generations together.
Various Hosts12:30pmSunday
Causeries sur l'histoire de la politique et de l'economie du departement du Sud d'Haiti.
By: Vaniel Louis04:00pmSunday
Une analyse objective sur les problemes de sante publique a travers le monde.
Dr. Macceau Medozile06:00pmSunday
Nous meditons sur la parole de Dieu pour apprendre a connaitre et faire sa volonte.
Dr. Medozile10:00amSunday
Etudes bibliques pour enseigner comment pratiquer la parole de Dieu.
Avec: Fally Douyon10:30amSunday
Causeries spiritiuelles pour rafermir la foi des croyants.
Avec Pasteur Gedeon Amazan11:00amSaturday
Let's workship the name of the Lord and show him gratitude for our salvation.
With Edmonde Jean Pierre